His hit mix-tape includes the songs and visuals such as: “Enough Is Enough”, “Hold You Down”, “Intro”, “Knock You Down”, All We Know”, and “Get Sum Moe”. All have received media attention with features on popular media outlets such as GreenHitz, Hip Hop on Deck, Hood Illustrated, Rap Reviews, This is 50, Ya Buzz Up, World Star Hip Hop and Underground Hip Hop.
Kamikaze K-Rob is the hardest artist in the “O”, the name Kamikaze came from me being fly to death and K-Rob is short for his government name Kalen Robinson.
Social Media Info
Twitter @kamikazekrob https://twitter.com/kamikazekrob
Facebook @kamikazekrob https://www.facebook.com/Kamikazekrob/
Soundcloud @kamikazekrob https://soundcloud.com/user-675883450
Instagram @kamikazekrob_ https://www.instagram.com/kamikazekrob_/
Media & Booking Info Edna Sims - 310.770.8117 OR esppr@icloud.com